Saturday, August 7, 2010

A not so new product

    The kids absolutely love play dough as long as the colors keep changing.
    There is no way I or the school could afford to keep up with the play dough demand, except for a do it yourself solution.
    I have found the best recipe for play dough so far, that does not include cream of tartar or any cooking time.  The play dough is now taking the weekend test so I will update everyone on my findings.
Blue/Green tinted play dough
    -2 C. Flour
    -1 C. Salt
    -1 C. Water
    -1 tsp. Oil
    Add oil and water to dry ingredients and mix well.  The play dough will harden as it air dries
    User Tips:
    -Add food coloring to change up the recipe and keep the kids' interest.
    -So far I have found that wrapping the play dough in tin foil keeps it from hardening too much. The kids will have to wash their hands after use, especially if the dough has food coloring.

-#1 Jam Hands Holder


1. Hub Pages Website: How to Make Play-Doh- 3 Easy Ways 68.  By: AroundtownSue. 2007. 

Available at: on August 6, 2010.

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